Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2008

hi there !

hey dudes !
this is my blog, hope u'll enjoy ;)
mainly it'll give u some stuff about 6 special man,
Kevin Costner, Bruce Willis, Pierce Brosnan, Hugh Jackman, Dennis Quaid, Clive Owen and Mark Harmon.
why so ?
cause these 6 guys are my world ! the greatest men on earth, my loves.
don't ask why, they're just awesome, from the first time i saw them til today, i'll luv them forever.
sounds strange ?
well, come into my world, see through my eyes, just for a day or just for an hour and u'd understand.
so let me try to bring those men nearer to u with that blog.
u'll find pics, videos, trailers and information about them in here and maybe u'll figure out tat one of these guys is one of ur specials as well.
enough talk so far, time for u to check out my world!

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Boah voll der cole Blog! Hey Floooo heeey Floooo

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hi Flo! Didn't know how to post a comment?