Sonntag, 20. Januar 2008

Mr. Brooks

the latest movie with Costner in it.
he's playing a serial killer (Earl Brooks) who suffers from schizophrenia and is addicted to murders. Through the day he plays the ordinary husband and father but at night he walks out for a kill. The police is after him already for years but don't get any tips about him. One night he was caught on photograph doing a kill and is blackmailed by the photographer, situation turns out to be a bit tricky for Brooks.
the movie is really awesome !
i've to say that i didn't really understand it completely by watching it once, i needed to watch it twice to get it right ! it's a bit confusing and u may donno what's up with the end but if u watch carefully and think about u'll recognize fragments which fit into the puzzle and u'll come to the solution.
i think Costner's playing his role really REALLY fantastic !
he's so cold and don't show any emotions, always 2 steps preout the cops or any other guy who's up to catch him ! it's like he's a ghost. a fuckin genius !
for Costner-fans a must ! but also worth watching for everyone, check out the trailer above ! ;)

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